
Nutrition Marketing


Good carbs or bad?

Carbs have been getting a bad rap in recent years, but like many things in nutrition, the devil is in the detail, and we shouldn’t be quick to put all carbs into one basket. While many of us (me included) have probably relied a bit too...

Do front-of-pack labels help people make better food choices?

Ever wondered if front-of-pack nutrition labels influence what food consumers buy? It does, according to a recently published review of studies that assessed the effectiveness of different labelling systems.   The review revealed: colour-coded schemes such as the “traffic light” label and Nutri-Score used in the UK...

Keeping It Clean

Keeping It Clean

Promoting your product as ‘clean’ taps into a dietary fad that has no clear boundaries, making it hard to define. When you combine this with the fact that the meaning of ‘clean’ changes depending upon the person you’re talking to, or that it has no...

If You Can’t Back It Up, Don’t Say It

If You Can’t Back It Up, Don’t Say It

The latest Commerce Commission campaign, “if you can’t back it up, don’t say it” is particularly relevant to food businesses making health and nutrition claims. One doesn’t have to look far to find dubious marketing messages about food products. Of course, many of these might...

5 Tips for Responsible Nutrition Marketing

5 Tips for Responsible Nutrition Marketing

Getting consumers to trust you and your brand requires transparency and truthfulness. When it comes to marketing the nutrition attributes of food, complying with local regulations is the bare minimum. Food manufacturers also need to market their products in the context of a healthy diet. This combined...

Nutrition Marketing 101

Nutrition Marketing 101

One thing I’ve learnt from many years working in nutrition marketing . . . promoting the health and nutrition benefits of your product isn’t as easy as relaying information from Wikipedia or a Blog, even if written by an expert! There are rules around what...

Key Factors to Successful Nutrition Marketing

Key Factors to Successful Nutrition Marketing

Have you ever wondered what is takes to build a successful nutrition related marketing campaign? Why do some products make it big while others flounder or drift into oblivion? After analysing the performance of 27 successful food marketing cases, Jessica Aschemann-Witzell and colleagues came up...